Cardan Shafts
Application range:
mainly for longitudinal drive of heavy-duty agricultural machines
Mechanics® Synergy Cardan Shafts are made for rugged environmental conditions with their specially made sealing system. Mechanics® Cardan Shafts facilitate easy shaft exchange which is crucial when no workshop is near, e.g. in road construction or forestry work. By simply loosening eight bolts, the shaft can be replaced.
DUJ Double Universal
Joints (B Series)
Application range:
rigid, steering and driven axles in tractors
Double universal joints can be found in almost every rigid, steering and driven axle and ensure that torque is transmitted to the wheels. Without them, four-wheel-drives would not be possible. You can find DUJs in almost 50% of all four-wheel tractors worldwide. Other applications include telescopic loaders and backhoes.
Welsberg is your competence centre for double universal joints – every new development originates from the Pustertal. Starting from preliminary drafts, we also do calculations and release testing. Additionally, all designs for our sister plants in China and Brazil are developed and managed here on-site.
DUJ Double Universal
Joints (T Series)
Application range:
rigid, steering and driven axles in four-wheel trucks
Double universal joints can be found in almost every rigid, steering and driven axle and ensure that torque is transmitted to the wheels. Without them, four-wheel-drives would not be possible. They are mainly made to be used in four-wheel trucks.
Welsberg is your competence centre for double universal joints – every new development originates from the Pustertal. Starting from preliminary drafts, we also do calculations and release testing. Additionally, all designs for our sister plants in China and Brazil are developed and managed here on-site.
Drive shafts
Application range:
side and longitudinal drives with wide angles and high torques
CDC drive shafts possess quasi homo-kinetic characteristics just like CV shafts. They are used when the angles are too wide for CV shafts. Short-term angles of up to 50° are possible. With smaller angles, up to 6200 rpm can be realized on the other side.
Welsberg has been the home of our 200 employees since July 2018, before that we were based in Bruneck. We look back on many years of experience in developing and producing double joint and cardan shafts for the agricultural and construction sector.
Our success of many years relies on technological innovation, process optimization, quality and first and foremost, on qualified and dedicated employees who constantly strive for excellence.
We belong to the Walterscheid Powertrain Group.
Our success story began in the year 1965 under our previous name „Birfield“ with the production of Constant Velocity joints and joints for agricultural applications in Bruneck. After a few years, the company was integrated into the GKN group to operate under that name as well.
In Bruneck, joint production went on successfully for forty more years, and following the transfer to Welsberg, we also underwent a change of name. Since 1/2/2019, the company is known as „Walterscheid Welsberg AG“.